Thursday, May 31, 2007


Those of my faithful readers who are very observant will have noticed that for the last week or so, my blog has not had sitemeter up and running. When I made some changes on my blog last week, I somehow lost my trusty little counter. Checking out this device lets me know that people do actually read my blog, even if they don't comment.
Well, I really wanted to have it back on my blog, but had no idea how to do that. I thought I would have to ask the advice of my brilliant son.
But, lo and behold, with lots of going back and forth between blogger and sitemeter, (drum roll please) I actually figured out how to do it all by myself! (insert applause here.) Course I had to start a new counter, but that is OK. Now I will know how many people have visited since I set up the new sitemeter.
So satisfying to figure out something new!
You can rejoice with those who rejoice.


Booker said...

I know the feeling of figuring out something for one's self.

Good job and Good Sabbath :-)

drewey fern said...

I do rejoice with you (and I'm wicked impressed)! :)