Saturday, June 24, 2006

Customer Service-or the lack thereof

Many times I have experienced good customer service when dealing with things on the phone. However, this week it wasn't quite as good. Let me explain.
We decided to make some changes in our phone service, which would mean that we could have the luxury of caller ID. That way, we will know who is calling, who has called etc. and can even screen our calls if we want to.
Well, on Thursday I called our local phone company and talked with this charming gentleman. I explained that we wanted Caller ID, we went through the propper steps etc, and he assured me that it would be all set and in place before midnight. Ah, the joy of the anticipation. I kept checking my phones, even resorted to calling my number from my cell phone part way through the afternoon. Nothing. I did keep hearing this strange beeping before the dial tone though, and I couldn't quite understand that.
Well, yesterday I was away from home for several hours, so couldn't call to find out what this beeping was all about, and why the Caller ID had not kicked in. I did call home though and got this message that I had reached my number, and would I like to leave a message. Now, why would that be on my phone.......lights began dawning. Had he somehow set us up with Voice Mail instead of caller ID????
Yup, that is exactly what happened. When I finally got home and called the phone company again, this lovely lady assured me that is what he had done. (I can see how easy it would be to make that mistake....Caller ID, and Voice Mail sound so much alike.......)
She switched it over for me, and sure enough soon the caller ID was in place. I even called our number so I could see it in action. Impressive. But....I was still getting this annoying beeping. So, I finally called the phone company--- again. That beeping was just letting me know I had some voice mail waiting!!! OK, why didn't somebody explain that to me sooner, and why didn't you tell me on Thursday how to access said Voice Mail!!! The kind gentleman this morning assured me it takes awhile for things to be processed and that eventually this beeping would go away. I then politely asked if there was someway to get rid of it sooner.. Well, if you really want to....just punch in these 3 numbers and you can delete the messages, and that will stop the beeping. He seemed to think it would be quite normal and acceptable for the next several days to listen to about 15 beeps before the dial tone started, and I could make a phone call. Hmmmmm.

Ah, well, it is all fine now, and is all working the way it is supposed to work. And all three were really just trying to help me- I think. And, three cheers for all the wonderful Customer Service Representatives there are out there...somewhere. I just happened to run into 3 this week that were probably all having a bad day. I will be praying for them.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Lost is Found

For several years we have enjoyed a lovely prism hanging in our kitchen window. We have had the pleasure of enjoying many rainbows splashed all over the walls etc, and it has been a source of much joy. The fact that said prism was a gift from an illustrious FBI grad of several years past made it even more special.

Well, about a week ago, Max decided that he needed it in his business. I came out one morning to find that it was no longer hanging at the end of it's lovely purple ribbon, up on one of our bay windows. I found the ribbon, the pin that was holding the prism, but alas, no prism. It was with great sadness that I relegated the ribbon, the suction cup etc to a drawer, thinking that maybe someday in the far, far distant future it might show up again. But, knowing how much Max loves to bat things around, carry them to other parts of the house etc, my faith was not too great at that point. So, no more rainbows, no more visible reminders of said grad.

Imagine my delight when I opened the pantry a day or so ago, and lo, there was our lovely prism! So, it is now back up on our kitchen bay window, catching the sun, and ready to send forth more rainbows. And, hopefully I have affixed it in a such a way that Max will not be able to reach it, or to separate it from the cord that it is hanging on.

So, three cheers for the lost that was found! (And the never ending delights and unexpeted problems connected with living with a cat who loves to play with things)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Some Blessings of the Past Week

  • Celebrating 33 years of marriage to my wonderful God given husband.
  • The lovely sweet/spicy scent left on my hands after cutting off the old blossoms of our purple rose. And enjoying seeing that the rose bushes are now looking much better since I fed them in the right proportions.
  • Reading blogs of friends.
  • The sight of the beautiful morning sun coming up and looking forward to a new day wondering what new blessings from the Lord will be unfolding.
  • Fresh food for the soul from the Psalms.
  • The fun of watching Max hide behind things and then jump out to attack us when we walk by.
  • Knowing that the Lord has a job for me to do, even if it hasn't shown up yet.
  • Our Crepe Myrtles are almost in bloom.
  • Helping with a garage sale for the local PRC- being held at my daughter's home, thus having the delight of spending extra time with her, and other friends.
  • Being able to talk on the phone to my mother almost every day.
  • There are still some blossoms left from the flower arrangement we brought home from Jeff and Fritha's wedding. What a joy to be still enjoying them, and remembering the day.
  • Krispy Kreme chocolate iced Kreme filled donuts.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Following directions

We planted a couple of rose bushes several months ago, and have been enjoying the blossoms, but noticed that they were not really very healthy looking. I have been faithfully applying a powerful, (and expensive) 3 in l plant food/insect control/disease control product, so I wasn't sure why they continued to be not very healthy, and why the Japanese Beetles were enjoying them as their primary food source.
Well, this morning when I went out to feed them, I figured maybe I better reread the directions. Sigh....I had been using 2 Tablespoons per 1 gallon of water- the directions said 4 Tablespoons per 1 quart of water. I was undertreating the poor babies! How humbling. Now, I am sure I read those directions way back months ago, and thought I was doing the right thing. Guess it is important to keep rereading the directions and make sure I am doing what I need to do.

Sort of like continuing to reread the directions my Heavenly Father gives to me and to not proudly assume that I remember what it said several months ago.