Friday, March 23, 2007


It is are open...birds are singing and there are wonderful scents in the air. This morning we were sitting here at this table in our breakfast nook, enjoying the sunshine, and so thankful for this lovely sunny warm spot.
And, as you can see, Max also enjoys this spot. He does spend quite a bit of time here. Can't blame him.
And, we are so thankful for this stage in our lives. Living semi-retired we actually have time to sit and relax over breakfast. The Lord is indeed Good.
Lest you Northerners get jealous, remember that before long you will be enjoying your warm weather as well, and we will be tightly sealed inside our air conditioned havens trying to escape the humidity.


Booker said...

so, do you ever allow Max to do a little "hunting"? :-)

Mrs. RF said...

Hmm...maybe we should. But, sigh...he is an indoor cat, and can only dream.

Kristi said...

Poor Max.

Looks like we're at about the same level of spring, except that we're not very warm right now.