Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Black and White

OK, here is my "black and white" offering. My digital camera does not take black and white, and I haven't yet figured out how to change one of my color pictures to black and white using programs on the, here is a black iron, a white bear, residing on my black kitchen table.
And, FYI...this is my 100 post!!!! Exciting.


ljm said...

That was a good idea...I, too discovered just today that our camera doesn't do black and white either so I had to doctor up a photo on the computer.
Congrats on your 100th post!!

lis said...

I used Picasa to black-and-whitify mine!

That bear looks so... scrunchable, as Claire would say. :O)

Booker said...

I like the originality of using black and white items :-)

and congrats on the 100!!

Linds said...

Very clever!

drewey fern said...

Smart you! And CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post!