Monday, May 08, 2006

Ah, yes, another busy Monday. My Monday's are usually busy with doing laundry, shopping and all the other things needed to keep things going. Today is no different, other than we are having company in for dinner, which we are looking forward to, but does involve a little extra thought and effort.

So, after carefully planning out my day, enlisting my hubby's help by having him doing the vacuuming, etc. all things seemed to be going smoothly. As I was getting things ready for breakfast I meandered out to the garage to get some things out of the chest freezer that I needed for dinner. That is when I made some observations which I would like to share with you.

  • When the GFI outlet that the freezer is plugged into pops off, that means there is no power to make the freezer keep running.
  • When a freezer is not running, it no longers keeps things frozen, or cold.
  • When the frozen lasagne is no longer frozen, or cold, it is probably not wise to serve it for company.
  • When ice cream is no longer cold, the above mentioned rule also applies.
  • Rotten hamberger does not smell very good.
  • There are benefits to putting off stocking one's freezer- less to throw away when the power is off for a couple of days.
  • When most of one's menu for company dinner was residing in said freezer, it now becomes important to add a few more things to the grocery list.
  • There is value in having an abundance of room in the side by side freezer/fridge that resides in the kitchen.
  • There is always time in one's busy day to clean out a smelly freezer, even if one does not think so.

End of observations.


pennyjean said...

Poor Mom! Good timing, eh?

lis said...

Oh dear!

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

The Cowpoke sez it's fixed... ...$3.54 and a pleasant drive into town and back...

ljm said...

I thought you were going to say something about a cockroach for a minute!

Booker said...

oh no, that must have been a terrible thing to see...