Saturday, December 30, 2006


Where does the time go!! Here we are almost to 2007. Gulp. Anyway, here is my final thankful list for 2006.

  • Having the men's year end convention in Georgia, which means we have a houseful of guests!
  • Enjoying a wonderful Christmas...the joy of giving gifts, and the joy of receiving gifts. God is good.
  • Not having to work this week! Nice to have a week off!
  • Finding out that the new love seat we got for the family room fit through the door- with 1/4 inch to spare. (That was a wee bit too close!)
  • Having help moving furniture around. Thanks Sa.. A, and St.. A. What a blessing to have friends nearby to help out!
  • Picking fresh pansies on Christmas day.
  • Enjoying standing outside eating ice cream at our favorite local ice cream place...with our good friends Sa..A, and St.. A. What fun. And 3 cheers for the best waffle cones in the world.
  • Enjoying the scent of candles. PTL for lovely aroma's.
  • The joy of roses bushes that will be coming in a couple of months. (Maybe we will really get a red one this year....)
  • A heart full of thankfulness for too many things to mention. God is good.


Aaron said...

These thankfuls made me really happy just to read them. I too am thankful for many of the same things.

Cara said...

Whoops. That was me. :/

Booker said...

icecream? outdoors in December?

I'd be thankful for that too! :-)