Saturday, August 26, 2006


  • Dark Chocolate candy bar for Sabbath treat.
  • Enjoying some good southern comfort foood- chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes with white gravy, fresh biscuits, fried apples etc. (Thanks to a lovely local restaurant)
  • Hubby buying an edger for our yard and having the energy to use it. And now we are enjoying lovely edged lawn!
  • Spying a new pansy plant in my back yard! I pulled the old ones out weeks ago, as they do not do well in the summer heat. What a surprise to find a new healthy looking plant with lovely fresh blooms.
  • Picking fresh roses.
  • Good Christian fiction at our local library- and being able to put on reserve the ones I want to read.
  • Finding the comfort and help I need when I take refuge in the shelter of His Wings.
  • Exploring some more local roads on our way home from the library today.
  • Thinking about planting some fresh flowers for the fall and winter.

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